Tuesday, December 20, 2005

My Heart

I sat in the car that night, waiting for you to come down,
And my heart started pounding with anticipation.
Down the steps you came, with your red jacket on and a cap snug on your head,
And my heart fluttered with nervous excitement.
We spent the evening awkwardly learning all about each other
While secretly my heart was racing to touch you.
We decided to make a night of it, the best night of my life
And my heart melted.

Fast forward some months and time had brought us closer together
My heart relaxed, it slowed and fell into a comfortable rhythm of happiness.
We had fights and arguments and misunderstandings along the way
But my heart remained committed and strong to the love we had built.
We faced some of the toughest times together, family deaths when we both thought our hearts would break, but together we made it through.
We faced our own tough times at home, where my faults surfaced and
Caused your heart to ache.

But every day, when I woke up beside you, and looked over at you, I knew that my heart had found its match in this world.
Every night, when we lay beside each other, my heart would beat firmly with confidence that it belonged nowhere else in the world.
But today, my heart isn’t so confident. My heart aches with the longing of all the lost moments where the chance to make things right has passed.
My heart aches knowing that it is losing oxygen, life, love in you. My heart longs for you to come back, to return and be here where you belong.
My heart cries out that it knows what I have always felt inside but maybe was far too insecure or afraid to say. It is angry with me for driving you away. It wants to stop, to not go on without you.

You are my match. You are my soul mate. You are everything in this world I could hope for in a partner, a lover, a boyfriend. You are everything I want.
You are my heart.


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