Thursday, January 11, 2007

Jackie's Back!

Well I hope you all had a fantastic New Year and so far 2007 has been fantastic for you! I just returned from a much needed and very enjoyable tour of Europe! 10 days romping from Zurich through Munich, Vienna, Prague and finishing up in Berlin. I can't even begin to explain how much fun it was and how I am dreading being back here in Washington, DC sitting at my desk at work and realizing that life is back to "normal."

I will write more on my trip hopefully this week and maybe post a few photos as well.

In the meantime, please keep a very good friend of mine in your thoughts. Her long term boyfriend who was in the Navy was killed when he was thrown from the submarine on which he worked during a rough storm and drowned along with a fellow crew member. She is clearly devastated having just left DC to start a new life with him in Chicago. She's an amazing person so please even though you may not know her, shout out a little prayer for her and her boyfriend's family if you so choose!

Again, I hope life is well for everyone and now that 2007 is here and I'm back to the drudgery of life, I hope to post more frequently than I had been in 2006.


Blogger d-town said...

i'd like to hear about munich, as i'll be on a plane there in exactly one week.

2:34 AM  

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