Thursday, November 16, 2006

Man Kills Kittens...Serves Less than Six Months

Again, another animal cruelty story. I'm an animal lover, an avid supporter of HSUS and someone who thinks people who mistreat animals deliberately deserve to be locked up for a long time. So, hearing that some psychopath from Hagerstown, Maryland who beat up his girlfriend and then tossed her four kittens on a fire killing them only served 19 weeks in jail for doing it pisses me off. Charges of assault against his girlfriend were dropped in a plea bargain, even after he threatened to kill her basically.

Someone who could kill an animal out of spite or in a fit of rage like that has mental issues and should not be free to walk the streets.


Blogger NragedPunkPoet said...

I agree completely. I think that man should have his balls removed and be forced to live in a kennel. But again, this goes back to our government and it's lack of respect for everyone and everything who's not white, straight and fanatically christian. I just started reading your blog, I love it!! Keep up the good work.

6:38 PM  
Blogger E :) said...

I totally agree as well. People who are cruel to animals should have the same serious punishment dealt to them as if they were cruel to a child. Animals, like children, are dependent upon us to look after them, love them and nurture them. They trust us. And to breach that trust in such a revolting way should be punished severely.

11:01 PM  

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