Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Monday Blues...on a Tuesday

I can't begin to say how wonderful it was to come back to work from vacation for a whopping three days before getting to have another day off thanks to Dr. Martin Luther King, JR. However now I am sitting here trying to figure out again what it is that I do for this company, wanting desperately to be back in the comfort of my bed or better yet, still in Europe on vacation.

Since it's now 16 days into 2007, I figured maybe I would set some resolutions for myself. I had initially decided that upon my return to the District, I would quit smoking seeing that our nanny state government has banned it in the few places I feel at home in this city. Sadly with the warm weather we've been experiencing, I have managed to continue this nasty habit because going outside to huff down a dangler isn't so bad when it's 60 degrees outside in January. But as soon as I've huffed my way through this carton I bought at Duty Free, I'm going to give it a serious try and put down the cancer sticks once and for all. Wish me luck.

I have also decided that because I hate living in DC now that they took away one of the few things in life I enjoy - drinking with a cigarette in my hand - it might be time to leave this city. That and well I'm beginning to think that there isn't much more here for me. With that in mind and having recently discovered that Germany rocks my world and that I'm very popular there (I'm totally big in Europe), I think I might as part of my resolutions that will never come to fruition take up German, find a job and move to Berlin where undoubtedly I will meet the man of my dreams and live happily ever after. We all know that is as likely to happen as me giving up smoking. But its good to set goals for one's self, however unachievable they may be.

As if the smoking ban wasn't enough to convince me that I'm completely over DC, I had the absolute pleasure of seeing my ex boyfriend waltz into a local dive with his new beau. Upon seeing me, he made a concerted effort to spin around, grab his boyfriend's hand and saunter by me as if I gave a shit that he was now dating a leprechaun. First of all, you dumped me asshole. Secondly, you cheated on me before you bothered dumping me. You don't get to be snarky with me in a bar. If anyone is going to be immature and bitchy, its going to be me. Not being one to get shown up, I yelled loudly across the bar that I hoped he was able to keep his dick in his pants for this one, threw back the rest of my watered down cocktail and made my exit. Yes girls, DC is done. The signs are clear. As soon as I get this German thing down pat, she'll be bidding you all auf wiedersehen!


Blogger lydia eve said...

"huff down a dangler?" wow, that is some serious smoker-speak. reminds me of dingleberries.

if you move to deutschland, i'll come visit. f'real.

1:23 PM  

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