Monday, January 23, 2006

Red Dawn

Okay it's 12:30am and I should totally be in bed but I just ran across the movie Red Dawn. This movie came out in 1984, which incredibly enough was 22 years ago! Um, how the hell was that 22 years ago!? This movie is 22 years old! Shit. I was, well, let's just say I was a very young child when this movie came out. I remember it scaring the shit out of me watching it back then thinking that any second, the Soviet army would be parachuting down onto the playground and taking us all to concentration camps. It is so amazing to think about how realistic that seemed then and how completely absurd it seems today. I mean, am I mistaken or in this movie, the Soviets are assisted by Mexico in taking over the United States? As if. Man, the 80s really were a fucked up decade.

I will however say that Charlie Sheen and Patrick Swayze are friggin' hot in this movie. And it's nice to see Jennifer Grey's old nose again.


Blogger Matthew Henry said...

jennifer grey's death scene was my total fav' in that movie.

4:45 AM  

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