Monday, March 06, 2006

What's in a name

Okay - so I posted a while back about this other blog that exists with the same name as mine. These tramps actually had the name first, and while I love mine, I'm thinking of just changing it to Carrie Broadshoulders. Some friends link it that way and I just think it's tacky to have the same blog name as what is truly a cuter blog than mine.


Oh - I also need to learn html. I want a fierce blog title at the top instead of this lame ass blogger template.

UPDATE: I'm trying on the Carrie Broadshoulders name for this blog for a while - thoughts?


Blogger d-town said...

i'd love a nicer looking blog, too, but not enough to learn html. i am just scouting for a new cool template.

how about "no sex and the district"

2:27 PM  

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