Tuesday, February 14, 2006

End Horse Slaughter

So I am a pretty big fan of the Humane Society. It is one of the main organizations I donate money to regularly and certainly during the Hurricane Katrina disaster. As a pet owner and as someone who has had a pet my entire life, I cannot imagine being forced to leave one behind in an emergency. During movies, if an animal dies, it bothers me far more than if a human does. Unless it's a kid or something. In general, I tend to empathize more for animals than people. Maybe it is because they seem more helpless or I feel that humans have far more advantages to protect themselves than animals...and as a species, we have not done a particularly good job of taking care of the other animals that inhabit this planet with us. Don't get me wrong, I am NOT a vegetarian or vegan. I eat meat, I wear leather and I am okay with animal testing in many cases because frankly, if we can cure cancer by killing a few bunnies, so be it. I hate that we have to and if there were other ways, I'd certainly fight to end the use of animals unnecessarily. So what I like about the Humane Society is that they focus on issues where animals suffer for no damn good reason.

Evidently in the United States, international companies sell American horses for food overseas. They slaughter American horses and sell the meat to foreigners. American horses. Uh, no ma'am. I grew up in a rural area of the country and while I did not personally own horses, I have been around them a lot. HSUS has been working diligently to ban this practice in this country. Why? Americans don't eat horses. It's not kosher, if you will. I don't care if whoever wherever else in this world thinks the meat is divine...get your own damn horses. So I have for about a year been sending my emails diligently to members of Congress both here in DC and in VA where I lived before (don't even get me started on the whole taxation without representation drama in the district) asking that they support this ban. Well, it passed. But is a temporary ban, not permanent. But hey, it's a step in the right direction. Well the USDA has decided that it is going to ignore this ban. Don't ask me how that's possible, but they are. So HSUS is going to take them to court. I'm sorry, but Congress said no bitches...so back off Flicka before you get knocked. So please go to the HSUS website and send a letter to Eleanor, et. al. and tell them that they need to make this ban permanent and need to enforce it! We don't eat horses! Not after the centuries they carried our fat asses around, serving in wars with us and basically just being super cute.



Blogger Lucy said...

My very good friend is in senior management of HSUS; she'd love this post. I'm gonna send her a copy, if that's ok. :)

7:57 PM  

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