Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Ann Coulter

Tonight Ann Coulter appeared on Joe Scarborough. If a house fell on that studio and killed them both, I don't think I'd give it a passing thought. First I hate Joe Scarborough...he's smug and he has beady eyes. I don't trust people with beady eyes. Ann Coulter, who likes to basically piss off people like me by basically just name calling liberals seven ways from Sunday without typically making much of an argument over why liberals are all the things she calls them, came on the show with that ragged blonde wig that looked like it hadn't been combed in days and about a case and a half of black eyeshadow/mascara on, looking like a tranny and immediately went into her rampage over liberals. I won't waste more than a few sentences here because to me, people like Ann Coulter or Michelle Malkin are weak and insignificant because they like to be controversial to the point where they are no longer controversial. To hear Ann Coulter say 9/11 widows are basically using their husbands' deaths to their own advantage and that they are "witches" is so out there, so just absolutely absurd that it doesn't even phase me anymore because I expect such absurdity from her kind.

Ann says about her knew book, "We knew liberals would be hysterical [about the book]..." Who is this "we"? I'm going to assume it's her other personalities that are obviously in charge of her makeup and are who make her come off as a raging bitch.

Also, when Ann Coulter is on tv, please MSNBC, do not also show Rita Cosby at the same time. I can only take two trailer trannies at a time. Rita, put the Marlboro Reds down! You sound like my grandfather.

Ann Coulter - you're insignificant and you have an Adam's Apple, and we all know what that means. I won't buy your book and I think you look like a $2 whore. Except $2 is asking about $2 more than what its worth. Petty argument? Maybe, but we know that's how you roll.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your response is exactly what Ms. Coulter expected. Thank you for your support! GO ANNIE!!!!!

3:45 AM  
Blogger Carrie Broadshoulders said...

Um, that's exactly what I said. Rather than make a legitimate argument, I chose to just discuss how she's not important and basically call her names. Which is basically what she does. So if that is what she expected, good...we're on the same page because she never fails to deliver nothing more than that herself.

Yes Go Annie...please...away...far away.

3:56 AM  
Blogger acaligurl said...

didn't hear a word "Annie" said.
couldn't stop staring at the
ADAM'S APPLE eweeeeeeeeeeee. i agree go farrrrrrrrrrrrrrr away.
cb~your posts never disappoint.

whats with posting anonymously?
thats the cs way (chick shit)
put some hair on it.

6:09 AM  

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