Wednesday, August 02, 2006

BB7 Bloggin'

I have no words. I'm sitting here watching this and I am so absolutely irate at Janelle right now. Ever since she was on the show last season I have always cheered her on. I love her. But what she did tonight was S-T-U-P-I-D. How in the world does she now think that putting up Diane rather than Will is is good for her??? I know she thought that Chilltown would help her out, but girl, now YOUR alliance and the floaters all hate you. So now since you cannot play for HOH next week, only two people can play and make sure you stay safe, assuming you can even trust them in the first place. I for one think Will and Boogie Mike will slit your throat at their earliest convenience. You've proven you're strong in the competitions. Sooner or later, if they are still around, they will get rid of you. Howie, Kaysar and James were willing to stick with you through the end. So now you have a 1 in 4 chance of being safe from nomination next week. If anyone other than Will and Mike Boogie in the house wins HOH, you're going up on the block. Howie, Kaysar and possibly Marcellas might spare you and still just go after Will and Mike, but no one else will. And I wouldn't be surprised if Howie and Kaysar would nominate you just to get you away from their alliance.

Janelle, I am saddened beyond words. Diane MAY have come after you, but now if she survives or Erica survives, they are gunning for you for sure. And only one can go home. You've shown Erica that you lied when you said she was a pawn. Clearly you were working with Chill Town. Danielle and James have now turned against you. You're quickly becoming Public Enemy #1. I thought you were smarter than this. There are just too many people still in the house to let yourself become such a target. Even if you survive, I'm not sure I even want you to win anymore. I cannot believe you don't see through Will and Mike Boogie. You're making baby Jesus cry.


Blogger Freckled K said...

I've Tivo-ed this, and can't wait to go home and watch (that sounds a little sad, doesn't it?).

I looove Will. He's a bastard, but he makes that show so fun to watch. Didn't you love his, "I hate you all." speech during last week's POV? I feel like a geek.

4:40 PM  
Blogger Big Daddy said...

I LOATHE will. But I agree on Janelle. I was rooting for her, but she is pretty much screwed.

Danielle won last night's HOH competition.

Taylor referred me to you.


9:27 PM  
Blogger Carrie Broadshoulders said...

Okay first of all, thanks you guys for dropping in and commenting. I am still distraught over Janelle's apparent lack of intelligence.

Big Daddy - I'll thank Taylor for sending you my way. However, if you ever spoil an episode for me again, I'll hunt you down and beat you with my stiletto. That said, a girl at work already spoiled that for me, so I knew Danielle won, which basically means Janelle is on the block this week or they will try to backdoor her. The only thing that might save her is this season they randomly pick who plays for veto. So if Janelle plays and wins, she can either use it on herself if she is nominated or not use it to prevent being backdoored.

Oh and I was kidding...I wouldn't beat you. But had the girl at work not told me already, you would have ruined it for me. I don't try to learn spoilers because I like to watch the show and not know what is going to happen!!

9:38 PM  
Blogger Big Daddy said...

Duly noted.

For some reason I forgot about veto.

10:30 PM  

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