Tuesday, May 09, 2006

I hate Grey's Anatomy

I just watched last night's Grey's Anatomy. I balled my freaking eyes out. This is like watching Extreme Makeover: Home Edition but much worse.

I'm such a girl.


Blogger d-town said...

while i didn't cry (since i'm dead inside), both DH and GA left me a little shaken.

DH: I *almost* cried when Bree dropped Andrew off in the middle of nowhere. Sure, he is a devil child and all kinds of twisted in the head, but it still made me a little tender inside. Oh, and I felt so bad for Lynette when her boss showed her her husband's expense report. I always cheer for her. Plus her husband is HOT. Edie is a fierce bitch but even she went a little far this time.

GA: okay those people reminded me of back home (except for the bad hick accents). the mother was cute -- she was in titanic -- and reminded me of someone in my own family.

Cameo Watch: the mailman in DH was Mr. Treager, the super, on Friends.

1:27 PM  

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