Wednesday, January 24, 2007

The State of Hillary's Wig

Last night I decided to sit down and watch Bush's State of the Union speech. The only remarks I have to make on last night's event (other than that Pelosi blinks too much) is to say to Hillary Clinton: Girl. If you plan on winning this thing in 2008, then we need to talk about that hair. I don't know what you were thinking when you rolled down to the Capitol last night but honey, you need to check yourself. That wig is not cute. It's like a tinge of bulldyke meets mennonite. No! No! NO! Let's take a look, shall we:

Girl, even the two old farts behind you can't stand to look at it. For now, you have my support because I think everyone else running is either inexperienced (Obama) or has no chance in hell (Vilsack). I'd love to see you as President. I think you're highly intelligent, a bit ruthless but all in all, you have good intentions. Plus the Right Wing Conservative Bible-Beaters hate you and if that isn't enough reason to like you, I don't know what is. While I think you might motivate them to get out and vote, I won't back down if you're the best candidate we have to choose from for the Democrats. But unless you do something about that wig, I may have to rethink my support for your nomination.

Get it together!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I think you're highly intelligent, a bit ruthless but all in all, you have good intentions. Plus the Right Wing Conservative Bible-Beaters hate you and if that isn't enough reason to like you, I don't know what is."..

perfectly stated love!!..

9:30 PM  

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