Tuesday, July 25, 2006

And then there were two...

Last night was my second date with someone we will from here on refer to as Doc. I can't take credit for that, my friend decided to call him that. I thought it was cute, so that's what we're going with here.

We had a very nice dinner and then I went with him for coffee. He had to do a lot of work and since what he does enthralls me, I was plenty entertained watching him work on it. We sat beside each other on the couch at the coffee shop. I was reading a magazine and giving him advice on color schemes for his presentation he was working on. I kept putting the magazine up in front of our faces so no one else could see us and he'd give me a kiss on the cheek. At dinner he'd hold my hand under the table and he likes to look over at me and wink. Which maybe sounds corny but it is really very sexy.

It is so weird to me to like someone so much after only having just met them. I would never say it was love at first sight because I know you cannot love someone until you really know them. This guy could end up being a complete jerk for all I know, so I would never use the phrase "love at first sight." However, so far, he is fantastic. He seems interested in me, so my concern he is not interested is limited. Though I'm also incredibly insecure so of course I do think about that. I've decided to not get all woman and start planning my wedding or anything. I'm going to just enjoy this for what it is and see where it goes. I do not know enough about him, or him about me yet to think beyond that.

Speaking of that, I tried to ask him a lot about where he's from, his family and what not. He did not seem very open to discussing that and I sensed that his relationship with his family isn't anything like mine. I let it go, but am worried that so much of his life is wrapped up in his work that I don't know if there is anything else about him beyond that. Not that his work isn't impressive enough, but I cannot carry on a conversation about it day in and day out. I need to be able to talk about politics, current affairs, Big Brother, some trashy novel I'm reading and have someone get that as well. I'm not saying he wouldn't, only that I don't know yet. But I cannot wait to find out.

Doc is out of town for work for a few days so I have a few days to get my wits about me. I cannot wait to see him again!


Blogger JP said...

This is such a great time in a relationship...

5:29 PM  
Blogger DC said...

oh darling.... no.... you have a few days to google stalk, friendster stalk, and do general background checks that are obvy necessary at this stage of the relationship...

I mean what if he has been pictured wearing jean shorts and a visor? that's info I'd like to have.

5:58 PM  

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