Sunday, April 09, 2006

She drunk girl

Okay so I'm drunk blogging and I need to is so wrong that one can spend the entire night trying to get her some from some hot little out of towner who acts like he's all into it and then when you are dropping him off at his hotel, he makes out with you for like half an hour and then is all like, you can't come up to his room because he needs to behave and he knows what will happen if you come up. Uhhhhhhhhh...yes, I know what will happen and that is exactly the point. Tease. Muh...fucking...tease. Over it.


Blogger RetroDragon said...

I'm trying to think of something to say, but some things are just too horrible for words...

3:08 PM  
Blogger d-town said...

i had a slightly similar situation happen to me last night, as well. i'll have to elaborate offline. still, UGH!

3:24 PM  

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