I don't know how the hell she does it, but Janelle is safe another week. I love her. I thought she was gone weeks ago but she has managed to survive. And as shady as Will and Mike Boogie are, Janelle has kept herself there by winning HOH and POV when it counts. While I would have preferred that Erika put up Will instead of Danielle, as long as Janelle stays, I'm pleased. Will would have been better because it would have devastated Chilltown if he went home and Danielle was already gunning to get rid of their alliance. However, had Will been nominated I think Janelle would have kept him in the house anyway which means George would have left. While I want George gone, I'd rather have either Danielle or Will gone. Janelle must win HOH this week and she MUST nominate Mike and Will. I think she will, as much as she pretends to be aligned. She knows they will come after her. If she doesn't win HOH, she will without a doubt be going up on the block again. How many weeks can she be nominated and escape eviction? I need her to stay off the block. She needed Danielle in the house to keep someone other than her as a target. This week Danielle will leave and there's no one left as dangerous as her.
Either way, Janelle rocks for winning the veto again!
Either way, Janelle rocks for winning the veto again!
$5 says that, if Janelle wins HOH, she doesn't put Will up. She will put Erika up, along with Mike or George. But she will definitely get rid of the last girl in the house.
Yeah the next week and HOH competition is key to whether Janelle makes it to the bottom three. I think it might be better if she avoids HOH and hopes that George wins it or something and if she's nominated wins veto again. Then she can play HOH and be guaranteed bottom three. And then the following HOH she's allowed to play again since the winner determines the final two. But if she wins HOH this week, she's not guaranteed to get to the bottom three and I think whoever wins will evict her. As much as she's pissed folks off, she'd still win if she makes it to the finals. She is a rockstar and no one can deny that.
She'd totally win if she made it to the finals against Mike, George or Erika. Against Will - I'm not so sure. He really has played her, as well as everyone else in the house. Never winning POV, never HOH, never being nominated. She's great at competition, but he's fantastic at strategy. I'd be happy with either of them winning, but I really am pulling for Will.
Mike Boogie bugs me. I have been waiting for him to be sent packing.
Janelle is a rock star.
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