Saturday, September 09, 2006

Carrie's Endorsement for if you care.

Not that anyone really cares who I'm voting for, I finally decided to do a little research and see a debate between the candidates for Mayor of DC. I understand that the Washington Post and several other folks have endorsed Adrian Fenty, jumping on the bandwagon of a few polls that show him in the lead. I was one of those people who thought, oh he looks good and seems intelligent and magnetic. Then I actually took time to listen to him. I'm sorry, but he sounds like an idiot. I'm sure I'll get a lot of haters for that, but I'm sorry, in a debate, he couldn't hold a candle to the others on the panel. He had little to say of substance, little to say about his record on anything and frankly I think he's blowing hot air. I really believe he's popular because he's a sharp looking guy. Charm counts when we're talking about politics, no doubt. But frankly, this city needs more than a pretty face. Sorry to those friends I know who are working on his campaign, but I won't be voting for Fenty.

Linda Cropp, the only clear competition to Adrian Fenty seems to be far more aware of what the city needs, is able to clearly communicate her plan as Mayor and speak to her previous record on helping DC residents. She speaks far more eloquently, seems far more experienced and if I chose to vote for someone who had a chance of winning, my vote would without a doubt go to Linda Cropp over Adrian Fenty.

That said, I am not voting for Linda Cropp or Adrian Fenty. My vote will go to Marie Johns.

Marie was on the ball at the debate. She answered every question with answers and not more questions. The other candidates wasted their time bitching about what's wrong with DC and that it needs to be fixed. Big duh. None of them bothered to really go into what they intend to do to fix those problems. Linda came close, but honestly I fear her as mayor simply because she screams old school DC politics to me. I know this is why Adrian Fenty seems more appealing. He's younger and fresh. But empty. I mean he has the audacity to debate public education in DC when his kids are too good to even attend public DC schools. Clearly he hasn't cared enough about it as a council member to focus on improving it so his kids can go to DC public schools.

Marie Johns seemed to have it all. I was impressed with the things she has done to improve education, even when not in an elected office. I was absolutely impressed with how eloquently she spoke about important issues...she seemed unrehearsed and heartfelt and while that may not necessarily be reality, I think it speaks volumes to have someone who can communicate a clear thought without it sounding like a sound byte. My favorite comment Marie had during the debate, specifically regarding education was that in all her years of watching this council (which includes Fenty and Cropp), she's never seen them debate education the way they debated a baseball stadium. Amen Marie, Amen.

So that said, I endorse Marie Johns for Mayor. I hope I don't talk myself out of voting for who I think is the best candidate in order to vote for Cropp to keep Fenty from being mayor. I don't want to think my vote is wasted, but if Fenty ends up Mayor, I'm afraid it would be.


Blogger Melissa said...

Thank you for dumbing this down for me. I have taken zero interest in this whole shebang because I hate politics, but I like your approach to this. Well done.

10:18 PM  

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