Wednesday, August 30, 2006


I don't know how the hell she does it, but Janelle is safe another week. I love her. I thought she was gone weeks ago but she has managed to survive. And as shady as Will and Mike Boogie are, Janelle has kept herself there by winning HOH and POV when it counts. While I would have preferred that Erika put up Will instead of Danielle, as long as Janelle stays, I'm pleased. Will would have been better because it would have devastated Chilltown if he went home and Danielle was already gunning to get rid of their alliance. However, had Will been nominated I think Janelle would have kept him in the house anyway which means George would have left. While I want George gone, I'd rather have either Danielle or Will gone. Janelle must win HOH this week and she MUST nominate Mike and Will. I think she will, as much as she pretends to be aligned. She knows they will come after her. If she doesn't win HOH, she will without a doubt be going up on the block again. How many weeks can she be nominated and escape eviction? I need her to stay off the block. She needed Danielle in the house to keep someone other than her as a target. This week Danielle will leave and there's no one left as dangerous as her.

Either way, Janelle rocks for winning the veto again!

Monday, August 28, 2006

An apple a day...

So after some conversation with someone who apparently is familiar with Doc, I have determined that while he may not have been necessarily seeing anyone else while he and I were dating, he certainly was willing to had the other party been so interested. Or at the very least, he was never interested in me enough to not consider other options. So, the Doc is done. I have not spoken with him since all of this happened and he has only called me once, leaving a voicemail saying that he had been traveling and apologizing for being out of touch. I will not be returning his call. It is clear to me where he stands now. I haven't spoken to him in nearly a week...he has no clue that I am upset about the text message as I haven't discussed anything really with him since that exchange. He certainly does not know that I know some of his actions while we were together. And yet, I still have heard very little from him. I feel like he'll keep in touch enough to maybe keep me thinking he might be interested so I'll come by and "visit." Well he can keep on keeping on.

It's all a bit disappointing but I honestly think I am already over it. I have no issues with someone who isn't ready to date someone seriously. I suppose there are plenty of people out there who are only looking for something casual. I'm a far too needy and emotional person to casually date anyone. I'm not asking to move in or get married, but to me, if you are dating me and sleeping around or dating other people then clearly I am not someone to whom you are attracted enough that you would consider seeing where your interest in me will go rather than "play the field." To me, dating casually is "friends with benefits." That's fine is that is what both parties want. It just is not a scenario in which I will ever be happy. I want someone to be excited about the idea of being with me. I want someone who gets the butterflies in their stomach when they hear from me. I want someone to feel about me the way I feel about them. I can't be disappointed when it doesn't happen, what I can be disappointed in are people who will just not admit that is not what they are looking for. Doc did lie to me. I know that for sure. There was no need to lie either. He did not owe me anything. Why not just be honest about it all?

This just proves again that I should always trust that inner voice that tells me when something is amiss. I knew he was lying. I knew I could not trust him. For once I listened to the voice and was not willing to ignore what I knew to be true. So while I don't fault anyone for not being ready to date more than casually, I do blame folks who do not have the decency to be honest with themselves and the people they are involved with about their feelings.

So good riddance to him! If he calls back, I will invoke my new goodbye line courtesy of Velvet: "I want you out of my life." I think that line is perfect. Concise and cuts to the core of how I feel.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

More Panic!

Well not really more panic. So I logged into sitemeter because today's traffic on this blog has been incredibly high compared to most days where no one reads anything and I was surprised to see that most of the referring URLs were coming from Wonkette.

Now Wonkette is one of my favorite sites and has been for years and I typically read it every day. Well somehow yesterday, I managed to miss that they linked back to my post below over the whole text message debacle. While I'm honored that the folks over at Wonkette actually read anything on my blog since I am such huge fan of their site (and especially the lovely Miss Cox), I'm dying that it was my dumped by a text post that inspired the mention and that the editors over there think I'm "in a funk."

Panic! On the Metro

So I'm standing on the Metro today, jamming to Panic! At the Disco on my iPod and as is typical for me, reading the Express over someone's shoulder. I never think to grab it on my way into the metro station so rely on the kindness of others, or at least their lack of awareness that I'm standing behind them reading over their shoulder. So the gentleman who is unknowingly sharing his Express with me happens to be on the page called the Blog Log or whatever, where certain blogs are noted and quoted. There, in a rather large font, are very familiar words. At first I read them and am like, that's funny, I just wrote about this yesterday. Then I realize they are my words. Somehow the Express editors read my blog yesterday and decided me getting dumped via text messaging was worthy of the Express. I'm not sure how I feel about that for several reasons. I'm glad they thought people could relate, because really, isn't that the point of having a blog - to try to relate to folks? I was a bit mortified though at the thought that someone I know personally would read the Express (very likely) on their way to work and see that and recognize the story from one I had told to them and realize that this blog is my blog. I was also just generally embarrassed that now half the commuters relying on the Metro in DC now realize that I was dumped and in such a pathetic way. I actually watched several Metro riders reading that particular page, wondering to myself if they think this person must be a total loser.

Needless to say it was a long metro ride to work with my head spinning through the last 9 months of this blog thinking about all the other personal topics and stories I have posted and thinking, God, everyone is going to know what I've been thinking the last 9 months! Did I say anything bad about any of my friends? What if Doc sees this? He'll definitely recognize this as our situation! Panic isn't just playing on my iPod, it's racing through my body.

So I've spent the better part of an hour at work reading back through the last 9 months to see if there is anything I have written that I would not want people I know in my personal life to see? There are plenty of postings that, when written, I would never have wanted anyone to read. But time changes a lot and a lot of those postings do not mean what they did to me when I wrote them. I also realized how much I have changed in the last 9 months, particularly when it comes to the ex boyfriend. Since our relationship prompted me to start this blog to get my feelings out, it is odd to see now how insignificant he is in my life and how I feel today about the relationship he and I shared. I've written about the panic you feel when dealing with an ex. I don't feel that panic anymore.

In any case, I do not think there were too many embarrassing stories. There were definitely some things even my best of friends have never heard me discuss. You know what, I don't care anymore. If people I know read this blog and know its me, so be it. I enjoy having an outlet and have enjoyed the comments this blog has solicited from the folks who read it. It has helped me get through a difficult time and I have met some very cool people because of it.

That all said, I hope to God no one I know picked up the Express this morning!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Text Messaging: Not an Effective Breakup Tool

"I once was broken up with by a guy's doorman. 'I'm sorry Ms. Hobbes, Jonathan won't be coming down. Ever.'" -Miranda

Well things with Doc have sadly come to an end. Why, you ask? As with most relationships, particularly failed ones, there was an improper balance between how we felt about one another. Or rather, what either of us wanted from the other. He's a busy man with a busy career and a busy travel schedule who seems to really be interested in someone to date casually. This, I'm not opposed to. But when it also seems that he is not that interested in me beyond having someone around, I draw the line. I liked him. He's a nice guy, a bit quirky and odd, but intelligent, handsome and great in the sack. I don't honestly know how he feels about me. And there is the issue. Because of this imbalance in feelings, things became strained and boiled over a bit this weekend.

Friday night we enjoyed a lovely dinner with some of my friends and then were going to go out. Doc says he doesn't feel well and goes home. Then Saturday he works all day, goes out with coworkers and I barely hear from him. Sunday he wants to hang out but has to do more work. I say I'm meeting my friends out for a nice cocktail and he says he will join up. After several hours, and more than several cocktails have passed, I get a message saying he's still working. I have had my suspicions throughout the last week or two that he uses work as an excuse when in fact, he might not actually be at work. Having had a few too many, I send a less than pleasant text message back to him. I realize that this is going nowhere. I want more, he doesn't or doesn't have time and doesn't want it enough to make time. I'm too damned young and too damn needy for all that. Next thing I know, I'm tongue wrestling with some kid who has been sweating me for weeks now. He wanted to rendezvous back at my place...I declined, knowing I needed to clear things off with the Doc before whoring myself out to the gay community again.

The following day, after calling out sick from work because I had the hangover from hell, I get a text message from Doc (getting a little tired of the texting yet?) asking if I was going to speak to him again? I responded of course, thinking to myself, long enough to end this because I'm not being strung along anymore. A few minutes later I get the following text:

"I thought a lot. We should b friends until i get through the next intense months i am going 2 b so busy and gone 75 percent of time. You can go on with ur life and not b waiting 4 me and feeling hurt. U r 2 cool 2 b sad."

I'm sorry? Did I just get dumped first? And via text message? Seriously? No really, seriously? I mean the phone was clearly in your much harder would it have been to just hit the button, call me and tell me this? I was dumped via text message. I'm too cool to be sad? No, I mean, I'm 2 cool 2 b sad. Um, whatev.

So I emailed him back prefacing that while I prefer not to have such conversations via electronic devices, I do feel emailing is a step above text messaging and I told him I agreed basically and that when he gets his shit together, call me.

Lesson here people, if you are going to dump someone, grow a set and do it in person. Or at the very very least, over the phone so an actual conversation can take place. Emailing, text messaging, post-it notes and/or Shannen Doherty are not effective tools for ending your relationship.

Snakes on a Plane

Uh - a big hell no. I will never see this movie. Ever. I cannot think of anything I would rather not do more than go see this movie. I can't even watch the commercials for this movie. I immediately turn the channel. Or if I'm at the gym I cover my eyes while running on the treadmill. I am deathly afraid of snakes. I hate them. And I'm not a huge fan of flying. Put those two together and that equals a big hell no. If I think about snakes before bed, I have to strip down my bed and sleep without sheets because I know there are snakes under the covers with me. If I think about them while taking a shower, I have to not close my eyes when washing my hair or face because I know when I open them, there's going to be a snake in the shower with me. If I was on a plane and a bunch of snakes got loose and started attacking people, I would open the emergency door and jump the hell out. Without a parachute, soiled panties and all. F*** that.

Seriously - whoever is seeing this movie is nuts. Nuts.

Hell no.

Friday, August 18, 2006

DC is Expensive Y'all

Since I will soon be looking for a new apartment to rent, the topic is fresh in my mind. Today I saw on Forbes that there are new rankings for the most expensive rental markets in the United States.

Washington, DC ranks 13th on the list, which seemed far lower than I would have guessed, but let's take a look at the markets that are actually more expensive than Washington, DC:

1. New York City - duh. 9.2 million people, 60% of which are renters, clearly there is going to be a larger range of prices than in most other cities. Demand is high, supply is limited, it's expensive as hell. On average $27.84 per square foot for a Class A apartment and $18.31 per square foot for Class B apartments. Class A would be your doormanned buildings in nice neighborhoods whereas Class B apartments are where the rest of us would live. There was no five year data to show if those numbers are increasing or decreasing, but I'd say its safe to assume they are going up.

2. San Francisco, CA - This did not surprise me. SF has always been expensive, both to buy a home or to rent an apartment. Class A apartments come in just slightly behind NYC at $27.17 and Class B at $19.91. So for those of us slumming it, it would be just as expensive in SF as in NYC. One thing to note is that in the past five years, the on average prices for rentals in the SF metro area has decreased nearly 20% for Class A units and 14% for Class B.

3. Los Angeles, CA - This one actually did surprise me because I have a lot of friends who live in LA who all pay far less in rent than I do or most people I know in DC. Class A units are $25.12 psf and Class B are $18.39 psf. That would mean the Class B apartments cost more in LA than in NYC! Seems odd to me. Especially since "LA" is a broad term used for a much larger geographic area than NYC. One thing to note is that pricing is increasing at 17% for A and 23% for B units.

4. Boston, MA - One of my favorite cities in the US, Boston comes in 4th with Class A units at $25.08 psf and B at $17.49 psf. There was a slight increase for B over the last five years, but both A and B unit pricing has remained relatively flat.

5. Honolulu, HI - I have nothing to say here. I'd prefer to stick with continental United States. Clearly HI is an expensive place to live. Limited land, limited supply, high-priced goods and services. It's a unique market for sure.

6. Northern NJ - Here is where I start to have my issue with the rankings. Clearly Northern NJ is NOT NYC, but I would still consider most of it suburban NYC. In any case, Class A units go for $23.35 psf and B for $15.80 psf. Little change over the last five years there as well.

7. Stamford - South CT - Again, this is another suburb of NYC. I know people who live there might argue that point, but whatever. It's a 'burb. An expensive one for sure. Class A - $23.22 psf. Class B - $14.30 psf.

8. Nassau-Suffolk, NY - Okay while I won't say this is a suburb, though it kind of is, I would point out that only 20% of the units there are even rentals. Class A - $22.40. Class B - $16.66. Pretty significant increases in rental pricing over the last five years, upwards of 15% in both categories of units.

9. Orange County, CA - While to me, a suburb of LA (though to me LA is basically a bunch of connected suburbs anyway), the OC comes in at 9th with Class A apartments at $21.71 psf and B at $17.94 psf, with large increases in rent over the last five years (15 - 20%). Maybe the popularity of shows like the OC or the Real Housewives of Orange County has made people flock there to live. Doubtful.

10. San Jose, CA - Part of the greater SF area if you ask me. Class A - $21.47. Class B - $17.51. Both classes have dropped nearly 30% in prices over the last five years.

11. San Diego, CA - Ahhh, the beautiful sunny city in the south of California. I knew it was expensive and was surprised it didn't outrank LA. Class A - $20.37. Class B - $14.96. Rental pricing has increased around 20% over the last five years.

12. Oakland - East Bay - Suburban San Francisco! Rental pricing has dropped nearly 20% over the last five years.

13. Washington, DC - The Nation's Capital, our home! DC ranks 13th with Class A units going at $18.85 psf and Class B at $15.15 psf. The Class B pricing would put DC higher than San Diego and some of the NY Suburbs for pricing for the same type apartment.

Here's my issue. The data for Washington, DC includes Northern VA, MD and even some parts of West Virginia! Okay so if DC pricing rankings includes three states and the District, clearly the pricing is going to be driven down. I would love to see how the data pulled would rank DC if we only included rental pricing in DC and the immediate surrounding counties (PG, Montgomery, Alexandria and Arlington). Or even just DC alone. It's not an even comparison to the other markets if you ask me, as they have rolled Northern Virginia and Suburban Maryland into the numbers. They didn't do that with NYC or San Francisco. Clearly you can never compare apples to apples when ranking the cities. But if we look at the data, essentially you have NYC (and surrounding areas), Los Angeles (and surrounding areas), San Diego, San Francisco, Boston and Honolulu ranking higher than DC, with DC ranking higher than San Diego for B Class units.

To put some perspective on this, I decided to calculate my psf for my rental unit. I am not sure if my apartment would be considered a Class A or Class B. Maybe for DC, it's a Class A. I'd say somewhere in between. At just over 1,000 square feet (a two-bedroom unit), my roommate and I pay roughly $30 per square feet per year. And I think on average our rent is comparable to some of the other NW neighborhoods in pricing. I know of many, many units that would calculate at a much higher per square footage price than that downtown. That said, I am paying as much as the on average Class A pricing in NYC, SF, Boston and LA!

So how do you other Downtown DC Dwellers compare?

If you're curious...Central New Jersey; Philadelphia, PA; San Bernadino, CA; Baltimore, MD; Miami, FL; Chicago, IL and West Palm Beach, FL round out the top twenty most expensive rental markets in the United States.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Jesus is Magic

I don't have much witty or funny to say today so I'll let Sarah Silverman do it for you:

Hopefully she won't offend anyone!

Monday, August 14, 2006

Ready or Not

Doc finally landed back in America this weekend. I was very excited about getting to see him again. I met him for dinner Friday night after going out with friends for drinks. He had been sick the last few days of his trip and still was not feeling that well. Dinner was nice and then we went back to his place. It was nice to wake up in the morning beside him and neither of us having to get up and run to work or what not. We have not had many opportunities to do that together. We spent the better part of Saturday together and then I went home to relax. I thought there was a chance we'd see each other Saturday night but he had still not been feeling well and so I decided to hang out with my friends instead and give him his alone time.

Yesterday was such a nice day so after some shopping with a friend we met up with a third friend, ate dinner then found a place to sit outside and knock back a few half-priced bottles of wine. Doc showed up, met my two friends and had a few margaritas. It was nice for some of my closer friends to finally meet him. I have no idea what they thought of him, but I'm sure I'll hear about it soon enough. After the friends checked out and went home, Doc and I were going to go see a movie. All day around him and even earlier this weekend, as nice as it was, something had me uneasy. I wasn't sure what it was.

I have found through my dating years that I have a very good intuition about things. If I have an instinct that something is wrong, I'm usually right about it. I sense and pick up on things that others might not even register. And normally I would say that is just me looking for something wrong, but usually I'm right about the feelings I get. After being so deceived by my ex because I refused to believe in my instincts and trust them, I am even more cautious now. I don't think I could handle going through what I went through again with the ex. So having sensed that something was wrong and not really being sure what it was, I decided to ask Doc what was going on between us. I recognize that his job is very important to him...his career is clearly the most important thing in his life and it seems it has been so in detriment to his personal life. I personally have no issues with someone who works a lot or travels a lot. I don't need a lot of together time to be happy. I just want to know that when we are together, that's where we both want to be and that when we're not together, we're not with other people. It takes very little to satisfy me. I just need to be comforted that I am cared about and that the person I care about wants to be with me, even when we're not together. I'm not really sure how the discussion went. I felt maybe it was too early to even discuss it. But I do think it's justifiable to want to know in basic terms how to define what is going on between us. Are we dating? Exclusively? Should I be worried that he's meeting other guys? It was an awkward conversation. He seemed to feel that I was questioning his dedication to his job versus his personal life, when in reality I was really just wanting to know if he was interested in me at all.

In the end, we parted ways and I went home feeling very uncertain and not sure if we were going to continue seeing each other. I sent him a text message apologizing for ruining our movie night, which has become a bit of a ritual on Sundays for us. I told him that I enjoy being with him and I do want to continue to see him. He ended up calling me and we chatted for a while. I felt better after that chat, but I'm still left with this void...I have no clue what he is thinking. I hate that. I'm not asking him to marry me, I just want to know where he stands in regards to us dating. Where does he see or want this to go? I don't want to vest a lot of time and energy into someone who isn't really interested in something meaningful. I wasted two years of my life on someone who didn't really see a future with me. I won't do it again. I also do not want to get hurt by falling for someone who will never feel that way about me.

So all in all I am confused. I want to see him again for sure, but I think I need to slow things down and proceed with a lot more caution than we've used the last few weeks. I just hate the not knowing part.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Red Alert

So everyone by now knows of the terrorist plot to blow up planes from the UK to the US that was foiled this morning. Well what I did not know upon hearing this was that Doc, who was traveling abroad for work, was actually getting ready to board a plane from London to DC. The plane was obviously grounded, every passenger removed and all of their belongings with it. He sent several text messages to me this morning about being caught up in security, not understanding what was going on and how they took everything but his phone and passport. Now he is at a hotel after being at the airport for like nine hours. He believes one of his flights may have been one of the ones targeted because of the way they took everything and kept them tied up for so long with security issues. Obviously since he's not a terrorist, he was not detained or anything. Unfortunately now with limited flights heading our way and since his was canceled altogether rather than just postponed, he's stranded for the time being. Though I could argue that there are worse places than London to be stranded. I'd be making the most out of a bad situation and running all over the city.

Damn terrorists. I finally meet a man and they are trying to blow his ass up. I hope they get swift kicks in the balls from Scotland Yard.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Happy Birthday Eric Bana!

Happy Birthday to one of my top 3:

Eric Bana turns 38 years old today!


A Rant on the District of Communism

Over at Gallery Place Living, there is a topic on which I am compelled to comment. I have done so several times on the thread over there, but felt the need to actually make a thread of my own regarding the issue, which isn't particular to the Gallery Place area, but is one that to me is a plague in this city.

In Chinatown, there is a liquor store, the Chinese Market on the corner of 6th and H Street, NW. This liquor store has been around for a very long time and is a local, individually owned business in the Chinatown area. Clearly the gentrification of this neighborhood has meant the end of many of these establishments. This liquor store, like many in the city, entices a type of customer that many people living in a higher end, "up and coming" area of town might prefer to avoid. This particular liquor store (though I would argue the other two in the area have the same issue) often has a great deal of people who loiter, drink on the sidewalk in front of the store, urinate in public, etc. etc. All the nasty trashy things we all hate in DC.

The liquor license for Chinese Market is up for renewal and the neighborhood commission is up in arms, trying to fight the renewal of the liquor license for various reasons. Some want to merely bring the owners of Chinese Market to talk about the loitering of customers and the general disdain for the people who patronize the store. Many would love to just have the license revoked, effectively closing Chinese Market's doors. It is a liquor store after liquor license, no liquor store. On the face of things, I can understand the neighbors using this renewal process to air their grievances and to make the owners aware of concerns.

My argument against this entire process is that it ignores the fact that it is no more Chinese Market's responsibility to monitor and control what goes on outside of its front door and on the corner than it is mine or any other neighbor. We have laws and people to enforce the laws that should take care of those issues. So rather than demand that the DC government do its job and enforce existing laws against loitering, public drunkeness and urination, we'd rather close down a local business. Some argue that the Chinese Market has some social obligation to its neighbors to stop serving individual liquor items so that people won't sit outside with a forty of malt liquor and get wasted. I argue that we have no right to tell a store what to sell, so long as they are within the bounds of the law. They own that long as they pay taxes, sell to those who they should sell to, obey the law...who has a right to tell them anything else? Especially neighbors with absolutely no personal interest in the business...people who would argue against a liquor license because they are inconvenienced by the clientele. Ridiculous. To me, this entire argument absolutely violates free market principles, capitalism and freedom in general. My rights as a neighbor are not being violated by Chinese Market. Why should I have any say in how they conduct business so long as my rights are not violated by their business?? What happens on the street outside the store is of no more concern to them than the business across the street or next door. The street is public, therefore is the concern of the public. If you see a drunk passed out on the sidewalk or someone urinating on a building or are harrassed as you walk by, CALL THE POLICE. It's their job and their responsibility, not Chinese Market. If you don't like the business doing business there, buy it and close it down. Until then, shut up.

This thought process is the same that many neighborhoods have used to withhold liquor licenses to bars in Dupont (and certainly other neighborhoods). They argue people leaving the bar are loud and disturbing. How is that the bar's problem? I'm on a public street and if I am drunk or loud, what the hell does that have to do with the bar I just left? Once I leave that bar, their responsibility for my behavior has ended in my opinion. If I'm loud, call the cops. You moved into the neighborhood voluntarily. You probably knew there was a bar there. If you didn't do your homework, hey, that's your issue.

What is up with these people who move into DC and expect all these things and when they don't like something, their answer is to ignore a person or business' rights and shut them down to suit their own lifestyle? If you want peace and quiet, I suggest you move to Fairfax. I hear in Virginia you don't have to deal with all those dirty destitute commoners who like a nice forty of Thunderbird in the evening...or those pesky gays contributing valuable tax dollars to our city, but who are loud when they are attending the sidewalk sale outside of Cobalt. Have fun! I blame the way the city is governed rather than its residents...ultimately the DC ABC commissioners make the determination, so hopefully they will see that personal preferences should not supercede the rights of businesses in this city. Having lived here a few years though, I have my doubts logic will prevail.

Okay, sorry, had to rant. This city is so ridiculous sometimes!

BB7 Bloggin'

So tonight was the veto competition that Janelle needed to win in order to stay in this game. She was on the block thanks to that tramp Danielle.

And win she did!

Screw you Danielle! And James!

I only pray that Janelle wises up to who in the house is on her side and who is aligned against her.

And why can't people read through Will? I don't get it. Did they not watch BB1? And how did no one see James go get to talk to Sarah and know that he didn't go for all the points he could get in the competition? And the fact Danielle's alliance totally threw her under the bus and she was in solitary confinement for an entire day...oh my, I can't even stop laughing...don't f*** with Janelle people.

I'm bummed that Kaysar is on the block now, but incredibly expected. Finally someone in the house is actually doing something that makes sense. For four weeks, BB6 had the chance to evict Will or Mike and they passed EVERY SINGLE WEEK and instead got rid of BB5. STUPID. As much as I am pulling for BB6, Danielle stuck to the game plan she had and wasn't swayed by Mike and Will. She's incredibly smart, but she'll be the first one out if BB6 wins HOH again, when in reality anyone from BB6 who wins HOH needs to be pushing to get Mike or Will out of the house. You break the two of them up and they are done. I'm just bummed that Janelle has so many enemies now. James must go home this week and Howie, Kaysar or Janelle need to win HOH.

Friday, August 04, 2006

It's Always Sunny on Thursday Night

My new favorite show = It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

This show airs on FX on Thursday evenings at 10pm. It is currently in its second season and if you watch one episode, you too will be hooked. It's politically incorrect, crude, disgusting and so on. Oh and it has cute men. I love it.

If you become hooked, as I predict you will, you can go to iTunes and download any of the previous episodes. It's genius...get into it.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

BB7 Bloggin'

I have no words. I'm sitting here watching this and I am so absolutely irate at Janelle right now. Ever since she was on the show last season I have always cheered her on. I love her. But what she did tonight was S-T-U-P-I-D. How in the world does she now think that putting up Diane rather than Will is is good for her??? I know she thought that Chilltown would help her out, but girl, now YOUR alliance and the floaters all hate you. So now since you cannot play for HOH next week, only two people can play and make sure you stay safe, assuming you can even trust them in the first place. I for one think Will and Boogie Mike will slit your throat at their earliest convenience. You've proven you're strong in the competitions. Sooner or later, if they are still around, they will get rid of you. Howie, Kaysar and James were willing to stick with you through the end. So now you have a 1 in 4 chance of being safe from nomination next week. If anyone other than Will and Mike Boogie in the house wins HOH, you're going up on the block. Howie, Kaysar and possibly Marcellas might spare you and still just go after Will and Mike, but no one else will. And I wouldn't be surprised if Howie and Kaysar would nominate you just to get you away from their alliance.

Janelle, I am saddened beyond words. Diane MAY have come after you, but now if she survives or Erica survives, they are gunning for you for sure. And only one can go home. You've shown Erica that you lied when you said she was a pawn. Clearly you were working with Chill Town. Danielle and James have now turned against you. You're quickly becoming Public Enemy #1. I thought you were smarter than this. There are just too many people still in the house to let yourself become such a target. Even if you survive, I'm not sure I even want you to win anymore. I cannot believe you don't see through Will and Mike Boogie. You're making baby Jesus cry.

MTV to air Marriage Equality ads

Hat tip to the Republic of T for this! It appears as the 2006 Election Day approaches, MTV's Choose or Lose campaign is focusing on what the Republicans think is the clearly the most important issue on the ballot this year: gay marriage. Except, unlike the Republicans, Choose or Lose is letting voters know that gay marriage threatens no one. Some of the ads are a bit risque if you ask me, but they do their job and get the point across. The MTV generation, of which I am a part, is undoubtedly going to be a political force that Republicans and Democrats alike must face and consider. Especially since now so many members of that generation are able to vote.

Happy Birthday MTV! 25 years young and still shaking things up!

Go here to see the ads!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Bumble and Bumble

Got my hairs did today and bought the Bumble and Bumble Sumotech moulding compound for hair. It's awesome. I'm also trying something new and interesting with my hair, which I never do. It's only in the prelim stages so we shall see.

In any case, I love the Bumble and Bumble line.

Mariah is crazy!

I had heard about this video a long time ago and never had seen it until I found it on Youtube. Youtube is the best website. If you haven't seen it, this is just confirmation of what we always knew...Mariah is battier than hell.

Yes, I know this is five years old. But it is still hilarious.

Kickball: The Sequel

I just signed up to play in the Dupont Division for WAKA this fall. Sadly our pre-season party is less than a week away. I felt like I just finished the Spring season yesterday and now the fall one is picking up already. I was kind of hoping it wouldn't start until later since it's blazing hot outside, but I'm excited about more boys in shorts and flip cup. And this time our bar is one of my favorites in the city and I'm playing with a fun coworker, so I'm excited.

If you're not down with the WAKA, get into it. And feel free to register to play on my team. Email for details. Games are Monday evenings.


My favorite episode of Sex and the City was on tonight. It's the one where Charlotte's dog, Elizabeth Taylor, has just won the blue ribbon in a dog show and the following day, Charlotte takes her to the dog park. There, she is well, um, the life of the party at the dog park.

The next scene is the girls at a bar and Miranda says, "Elizabeth Taylor got gang banged in the park?"

Samantha responds, "Oh god, that's so 80s."

I love it.
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